Ascetic Bullet Journal

Bullet Journal - an analog method for the digital age(1). It is a system of maintaining a journal that is simple, flexible and yet thorough at the same time. The method has an instruction manual but users are encouraged to adapt the bullet journal experience to suite their own needs. And adapt they do. And they adapt it by using more bullets, adding additional pages, creating elaborate custom-made layouts, and making their notebooks pretty. Here I describe my attempt at going the other way.

The original method

The main idea behind the bullet journal is to transform a regular journal into a bulleted list. To be a viable substitute for a journal this list has to contain different types of entries and so different bullet symbols are employed in order to distinguish them from one another. Tasks are started with a dot that gets crossed out when the task is completed or turned into an arrow if the task is migrated to another place. Events like birthdays and other special occurrences are entered with an empty circle. And general notes, thoughts, memories, and experiences are marked with a dash.

On top of this the bullet journal is composed of different kinds of lists, called “spreads”. There are 3 main types of spreads: the daily log, the monthly log, and the future log. In addition other custom-made collections can be added as required and might include things like calendars, habit trackers, holiday plans, contact lists or anything in between.

The standard way to operate a bullet journal is to write down tasks, ideas and events inside the daily log during the day and arrange all of those entries to their dedicated parts of the journal in the evening. This way events that are scheduled long in the future will be transferred to the future log, entries relevant this month will go to the monthly log, tasks related to selected projects will move to their dedicated collections while everything else remains in the daily log. In order to keep track of all the lists the first few pages of a typical bullet journal contain an index page that acts as a table of contents and needs to be updated every time the journal acquires a new list.

Making it simpler

The main problem with the bullet journal method is maintenance. Separating the entries into multiple locations and transferring them from one place to another, for me, was too much. What I was looking for is, quoting Steve Losh(2), a “list manager for people that want to finish tasks, not organize them”. In order to achieve this a lot of parts needed to be removed.

Practical advice

First - do not use signifiers. Signifiers will only interfere with the bullets, add noise, and make you return to organizing things. Instead, before picking a task to work on, get a mental picture about what is waiting ahead by scanning all the open “future” events. Then, on the second pass, look at the “present” tasks and pick one based on intuition(3).

Second - embrace rapid logging. Entries in the daily log, following the original bullet journal method, should be entered once and stay where they are written. This also means that incomplete tasks are not transferred from one day to the next. Hence, when searching for open tasks, you should also look at items written under all the previous days. Appointments can be an exception to this rule: if you find it convenient to list appointments under today’s date for reference then feel free to transfer them there.

Third - migrate when convenient. Since open tasks are not migrated from one day to another you will sometimes have to look at previous pages. To not have to flip through the whole notebook each time you should migrate old tasks based on how many pages you need to turn in order to reach them. As an general rule I migrate all the tasks that are written more than 3 pages away from the current day. This way migration is turned into a continuous process where, instead of migrating everything every month, migration is done more frequently but only the oldest tasks are affected.

Finally - do not fill your journal with junk. Tiny errands, like washing dishes, that cannot in principle be forgotten are not added to the journal. Same goes for low value journaling entries like tracking the weather. By not adding certain things to the journal you make the things that get added stand out that much more.

Use cases


After making all these changes I have no future log, no monthly log, no index page, no page numbers and no signifiers. The organised collection of various different lists became a single list. No more decisions about where a particular entry should go to. No more index updates. No more spread preparations. No more searching across several logs and collections in order to be sure you didn’t miss something important.

In short - no more maintenance.

  1. “Bullet Journal” by Ryder Carroll  ↩︎
  2. “Project t” by Steve Losh  ↩︎
  3. “Simple Scanning” by Mark Forster  ↩︎